Other Chains That No longer Exist

If you know a chain that no longer exists, please let the
Webmaster know to have added to the site. Thanks!

  00-00-00       Howard Johnsons    
  00-00-00       Hobo Joe's    
  00-00-00       Humpty Dumpty    
  00-00-00       Colony Kitchen    
  00-00-00       Nickerson Farms    
  00-00-00       Mr. Steak    
  00-00-00       Happy Steak    
  00-00-00       Cobb's    
  00-00-00       VIP's    


Other Chains No longer Nation Wide

If you know a chain that no longer exists across the country,
please let the Webmaster know to have added to the site. Thanks!

  00-00-00       Jerry's    
  00-00-00       Stuckey's    
  00-00-00       Bonanza Steak House    
  00-00-00       Pondarosa Steak House    