Your Name: David L. Stephens
Store Address: 3140 Arden Way and Fair Oaks Blvd.
Store City, State: Sacramento, Ca.
Store Number: 135
Years Worked: 4.5
Email Address:

Arden Way  3-31-81 to 10-17-84 and Fair Oaks Blvd.  10-19-84 to 9-19-85. Great crews!  Crew run store. Only one manager.  At time of closing I was swing shift cook, and did a lot of the nightly office work.  When Arden Way closed, we were #1 store in the San Francisco region.  When it closed, I transferred over to 2244 Fair Oaks Blvd. and worked there just under a year when that store closed too. Both stores closed at the start of my shift, with no advanced warning.  I do have 2 tiger pictures off the dining room wall, and have the metal Sambo's sign that was on the wall just outside the front door of the Arden Way store. For a couple years we also had softball games against other stores in the area, where people off, and not in the game, went to other Sambo's and covered those who wanted to play. I also met my wife when I was at Arden Way.She was on the way to her mom's and stopped in for pancakes and coffee. She looked sad and depressed, so I made a smiley faced pancake for the top one.We have now been married 29 years.Never get cute with pancakes!

Your Name: Tom
Store Address:
Store City, State:
Store Number:
Years Worked:
Email Address:

Great to finally see a site that may get into more detail about the Famous Sambo's Restaurants. Don't see photos of the ones that I frequented in the past, and hoping they are still around to be photographed. Each time I visit the site, one or two more have been added. Keep up the good work. Me and my friends would shoot straight to the Sambo's when stationed down in So. Cal. in the military. Visited many Sambo's later in No. Cal. for many years. I really do miss the chain. They always had great food, service and prices. The atmosphere was always the best with the colorful decor and pictures on the walls. You couldn't help but feel good just being in the place. Breakfast was then, and still now, my favorite meal of the day, but even when I had a steak or something else it was always fun to give the cook a thumbs up for the job well done. This was easy to do with the openness of the kitchen to the dining area. Always enjoyed the smile and reading the lips of the cook saying thank you back. I really dislike being spoiled by something and then seeing it go away. Now when I enter a restaurant, all I can think is "wish this was a Sambo's". Denny's will never compare and IHOP comes close, but still no cigar! Will be visiting often and thanks for this opportunity to vent.

Your Name: Tina Harvey
Store Address: Broad St.
Store City, State: Waynesboro, Va.22980
Store Number:
Years Worked or Visited: 1975-1976
Email Address:

My name is Tina Harvey ( Strickler then) and I work at Avante’ Nursing and Rehab in Waynesboro Va. Ernest Brown is a resident here . We worked together at Sambos when it first opened in Waynesboro and were talking about old times and people we used to work with. He has a great memory! We were wondering if the manager then , Ed Meeks was still living and if so where he lies now. John Eckard was the District Mngr. then. You can post it on the forum board if you want to. Thank You, Tina Harvey and Ernest Brtown.

Your Name: Teena Wellman
Store Address: 2nd Street
Store City, State: San Jose, CA
Store Number:
Years Worked: 1970's
Email Address:

Hello, my name is Teena and just wanted to share some great memories. My Momma Gloria Fredericks worked for many Sambo's stores, but I remember the one's in San Jose California the best. My 3 sisters and I grew up at Sambo's. My Momma was a manager of a couple different stores and worked a lot of hours, so my big sister would take us to eat our meals with our Momma. We had birthday parties, huge family dinners, I even remember sitting in the back room doing my homework and playing video games, because of an emergency call in. We met some great people, some are still in my life today. My first job was at Sambo's on 2nd St in San Jose, my big sister worked at a couple different stores too. My Momma recently passed away and I found her old name tags, a wooden nickel, a baseball tiger, a orange and black tiger pin, and old coffee cup. I have some awesome memories of growing up a Sambo's kid.

Your Name: Michael D. Williamson
Store Address:
Store City, State: Hazel Park, Michigan
Store Number:
Years Worked: 1976 +
Email Address:

I am looking for the original Fraction of the Action Owner at the Sambo's in Hazel Park, Michigan that opened in 1976. I have fond memories of the location, the work I did there, and of course Glenn Alexander, the original Owner. Any information would be helpful. I would like to contact Glenn as I think he lives somewhere in California near me. It would be nice to meet for a lunch and just talk about the past.